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Mars Studies Program

The Mars Studies Program (MSP) is an in-person certificate Program in Oct 2022 that explores the science, engineering, technology, and math involved in sustaining systems and life on planet Mars. Students are immersed in a project-based curriculum and hands on activities, analog missions, labs, and makerspaces with researchers and faculty to develop the skills and mindset to advance the field and live on planet Mars.


Hands on, Project-based

Learn through applied R&D labs, and makerspaces with Mars Regolith Simulant


The first in-person academic Program dedicated to making life multiplanetary


12+ Faculty/staff

Learn from leading faculty pioneering the research and development

About the Program

Application Window

March 13 - Aug 21, 2022

rolling admissions as space permits


MSP Host Location

UArizona & ASU​


Program Start

October 9-18, 2022


Course requirements
3 Courses






In-person, Hands-on Project based


Time Commitment​

30+ hours per week


The Mars Studies Program (MSP) is an intense certificate-based program that provides a detailed technical overview of the science, technologies, and post-arrival activities on the Martian surface. Students develop the skills and mindset on topics related to settlement, engineering, manufacturing, 3D printing, Agriculture, Human Factors, Geology, life support, and more. 


With an emphasis on Broadening Participation in Engineering, we plan to cohost the in-person Summer Program with UArizona, ASU, and possibly Biosphere 2 for undergraduates, graduates, and young professionals. MSP hosts 3 courses provided by MarsU with an emphasis on science and engineering. The Program is open to humans from any background, major, and age intended for people with a bachelor's or enrolled in a B.S. degree from a higher education institution. 

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MSP22 Faculty

Daniel Tompkins, DPM

Faculty, Mars Agriculture



Faculty, Mars Astrobiology


Terry Trevino.jpg

Co-Founder, Space4All, Aerospace Scientist

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Co-founder and MSP Program Co-Director, MarsU

Guest Lecturers
Anchor 2

Co-Founder of the KSC Swamp Works & Lunabotics RMC.

Grant Anderson

President and Co-founder, Paragon Space Development Corporation

President and Founder,

Mars Society

​Owner, Pioneer Astronautics


Launch on Media: July 20

Program Open house Webinar: Thurs, August 4

Applications Close: Sunday, Aug 21

Letters of Admissions and Acceptance by: September 4

Detailed Program Overview Webinar: September 8

Tuition Payment Due: Sep 11


2-3 courses will be held throughout the Program in Oct 2022. Each Course offers around 30+ hours of in-class in-person and online instruction from Monday to Friday. All classes and guest lectures take place mostly in-person with some online instruction. Class times are coordinated in advance with individual faculty and will likely be friendly to morning/afternoon Mountain Standard Timezone (MST or UTC−07:00). Enrolled students are recommended to attend in-person given the project-based hands on environment, however, exceptions may be coordinated to participate remotely live online. Most guest speakers and in-person lecturers are invited to join us during the third weekend June 16-19.


Explore and Characterise Mars Analog Environments

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Anchor 3

Meteor Crater

Antelope Canyon

Grand Canyon

Research Experiments and Projects

Before and during the  MSP Program, participants develop R&D projects with on-site equipment, materials, and resources. Participants will have access to conduct experiments with Mars Regolith Simulant and we are discussing providing access to a Mars Environment Chamber, thermal vacuum chamber, microscopes, 3D printers,  photobioreactors, electromagnetic helmholtz coils, DNA/RNA sequencer, and more to test and develop research, biology, systems, and mindset.  Enrolled participants choose one or a few R&D projects they plan to develop or collaborate on before and during the Program.


With equipment, workspace, and fabrication tools at local Maker Spaces to design and manufacture systems, students are immersed in teams of three to five people or can lead individual project to advance the learning and retainment of the preferred area of interest, student's passions, and course material. Project Advisors from industry, lecturers, and staff contribute and advise the project development. Each group is expected to develop Final Project Report, to present present during the final days with intentions to eventually submit a full manuscript to a conference paper or journal. The team with the winning design or system that holds the most potential to make life multiplanetary receives a small grant

Anchor 4
Scholarships and Financial Aid

Up to 3 students receive full scholarships for online participation. Financial aid opportunities and scholarships can be arranged with MarsU and potential partners or sponsors. With the support from our partners and sponsors, we are actively looking to develop partnerships to cover tuition costs for instruction, wages, and administration.


MarsU is not a Title IV institution recognised by the Department of Education and is currently not eligible to support Student Loans. Payment plans can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. We recommend that applicants undertake their own fundraising efforts and coordinate with to increase their chances to receive a scholarship. 

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